• How to add Pictures in posts:

    Pictures are visual impact of anything to make things understandable to others. So sometimes pictures are necessary to be added to the blog. For Example, I add pictures in my blog so you can easily understand different steps of making a blog.
    So in this post, I will tell you how to add pictures to your posts. Just follow given steps:

    1. Open your blogger main page.

    2. Select New post.
    3. Now you will see picture icon just like highlighted in given picture.

    4. Click on it and choose your picture and click on upload.
    5. Your picture will be uploaded.
    6. Now if you want to customize your picture just like if you want to place your picture on right, left or center click on the picture and select your required option.

    For example, I have placed a pic in my blog and clicked on the picture for customization then it will be shown as given below.

    Now there are options for changing the size of the picture, placement of picture, adding caption to picture, properties of the picture and removing the picture.

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